Farming and Food
We want farming that works with nature
With farmland making up two-thirds of our countryside, farming is responsible for so much more than the food we eat. We need to support farming that puts back habitats for wildlife, provides fresh air and clean water, stores carbon and looks after the landscapes that make our countryside so special.
Farming provides food and jobs
Imported food does not support rural employment in Buckinghamshire and can have a huge carbon footprint. Many towns in the county support farmers’ markets and many farms have their own shops. We believe in supporting the rural economy, to safeguard jobs, to provide fresh food and to fight climate change.
Farming provides access to the countryside
In many cases public footpaths are across farmland. Farmers help maintain these rights of way and in return we can appreciate and respect the stewardship of land that farmers provide. Access to the countryside means opportunities to appreciate the unique landscape in Buckinghamshire , whether walking, running, cycling or picnicing. We believe in encouraging access to the countryside for all while remembering that much of it is working land that would not be maintained without the county’s farmers.
Farming supports the environment
Sustainable, organic farming , promoting soil quality, hedgerow management and forestry are ways in which framing protects and encourage wildlife in Buckinghamshire. Without a healthy environment, many rare animals , insects and plants would not survive and our lives would be poorer for it. We believe that a thriving rural economy is vital to support oases for wildlife , and keep these safe for the future.
Please show support for our local farmers and farm shops by shopping locally wherever possible. Visit the link below for details on all the lovely farm shops you can find here in Bucks.